Hotel Reservations Now Open
Hotel reservations for the 2009 World Fantasy Convention are now open! You can start your reservation from our Hotel Information page.
Update, March 4: A bug in the online room-booking system that initially was not allowing any reservations that included the night of October 28 has been resolved.
Hey, folks — When I typed in my room stay (arriving day before con; leaving day after con), and room type and hit ‘submit’, the next page said “no search criteria matched” and it didn’t give me any room options. Tried it in Safari and Firefox with cookies turned on. Didn’t work. The good news — I phoned the Fairmont and they happily made my reservation. My room rate was $130 excluding taxes. I’m assuming that’s the con’s basic negotiated room rate, so if not, let me know. As far as the online glitch, was it just a fluke or has anyone else has had any trouble making online reservations?